TOPIC: Closing the Gap: Critical Partnerships between Jails and Community-Based Providers to Ensure Continuity of Care
DESCRIPTION: Individuals transitioning from incarceration to the community can face many challenges to accessing resources and basic life necessities such as employment, transportation, housing, and social supports. For individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs), the reentry process and challenges that come with it are even more complex. The risk of overdose and overdose deaths are heightened within 90 days of release, so having uninterrupted SUD treatment from the jail setting to a community-based provider is crucial to an individual’s survival and long-term success in reentry. This webinar will feature two programs across rural and urban areas that have created a strong partnership between their local jail and community-based treatment providers to foster a seamless transition for individuals with SUD returning to the community. Presenters will discuss how they have developed effective partnerships, challenges they have faced through implementing their program, and strategies that they have used to overcome these barriers.
TIME: Oct 25, 2022 03:30 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)