PARTNER SITE (Historical)
Seattle Police Department
Seattle/King County, Washington
The Seattle Police Department (SPD) is leading a collaboration of local agencies and community-based partners in King County, WA. The partners will consider comprehensive efforts to divert justice-involved persons with opioid use disorder (OUD) from the criminal justice system to treatment services at various intercept opportunities, from pre-arrest through reentry and community supervision.
This project will build on existing efforts, including a pre-arrest diversion program called Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD), which allows law enforcement officers to redirect some people caught engaging in drug or prostitution activity to community-based services, instead of jail and prosecution. New intervention opportunities through this grant may include:
Expanding law enforcement’s ability to identify people with OUD and refer or transport those needing services to community-based care (Intercept 1);
Enhancing in-custody screening for OUD to identify candidates for treatment and program services provided while in custody (Intercept 4);
Enhancing peer support and counseling services in-custody (Intercept 4) to encourage persons to start treatment prior to release;
The project will involve rapid-cycle data collection, analysis, and reporting of feedback to corrections officials and other agency partners.